Sunday, 31 August 2014

Liebester Award

Hi everyone! 
I was recently nominated to do the Liebester award by Rachel -
Here's what you have to do.....

1. Post 11 facts about you.

2. Answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.

3. Nominate 11 blogs with under 200 followers.

4. Link your nominees to the post.

5. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.

6. Let the nominees chosen know they have been tagged

So without further a do here is my 11 facts

1. I lie the colour orange

2. I didn't cry at the fault in our stars movie yet I sobbed my eyes out at the book.

3. I have an addiction to green tea

4. My name is Katie

5. I am from Northern Ireland

6. I get addicted to things really easily

7. I love youtube and literally can't stop watching Christmas hauls and it's only august it's becoming a real issue

8. I don't like tomatoes but love ketchup I know kind of werid 

9. I am 14 years old

10. I hate sports with a passion I'd rather sit at home and watch tv 

11. I love Starbucks 

Rachel's questions

1. What cheers you up?

The tv show miranda always puts a smile on my face.

2. What are you most proud of?

Probably...... My blog

3. What did you do for your last birthday?

Had friends round and had dominos pizza (yum)

4. What is your favourite book?

The perks of being a wallflower

5. What is your favourite joke?

I don't think I have one

6. Day time or night time? 

Night time

7. White Chocolate or dark

White chocolate all the way 

8. What is your most and least favourite word? 

My favourite word is probably topshop which is kind of odd but I don't know I just like it and my least favourite is crusty it gives my shivers every time I hear it.
9. Are you a glass half empty of half full kind of person?

Half empty

10. Favourite TV programme?

Friends or castle

11. Favourite animal? 


I nominate 

Maui felipe

Eleanor Lloyd

Emily Rosebush


My questions 

1. What your favourite film?
2. Favourite colour?
3. Favourite day of the week?
4. OTP?
5. One person you would like to meet?
6. How tall are you?
7. Summer or winter? 
8. Makeup bag essential?
9. Most worn item in your closet?
10. One thing you can live without?
11. Favourite actor/actress?