Thursday 27 November 2014

Zoella Inspired Makeup and Hair

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Blogmas Day One | Lush Christmas Hedgehog Review

Snow is falling,all around us,children playing, having fun. its the season love and understanding, Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Its Blogmas day one!!

so for your first little taste of festivity, i'm going to be doing another Lush Christmas review, this time on the Christmas hedgehog bubble bar which retails for £3.25

When I used this my bath was a milky white colour and had a floraly jasmine scent and had Mullins of bubbles and I really enjoyed it I highly recommend it.

Saturday 22 November 2014

No Posts, Youtube, Blogmas?

Well hello there.

I just wanted to a make this post to apologise for the lack of blogposts recently and they're will still not be one proper up because I have lots of exams coming up on next week but the exciting thing is I will be doing BLOGMAS! And if you don't know what that means I will be posting christmas themed posts al throughout December on every single day even on Christmas Day because I want to give you a little christmas present treat! I'm also gonna be trying to upload more youtube videos because I only have 1 video up so hopefully another one will be up around December 

Thursday 13 November 2014

My Christmas Wish List 2014

Hello M'loves

     Okay, so you have probably just read the title and went wwhat? its far to early for Christmas talk but yesterday I was minding my own business watching TV and the coca cola Christmas ad came on, so it was officially Christmas in my mind and then I had to instagram #ShamelessSelfPromotion go ahead and gives us a wee follow on insta if you want, so apologies if you are one of those people who cant talk about Christmas till December you might want to skip this post.

     Also quick disclaimer I do realise I am asking for a lot of expensive things but I will definitely not get all of these its just so my parents have a good selection so they can pick and chose or even if something is out of stock, so without further a do lets get started.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Drugstore Makeup Haul | Katikins

Well hello there,
Today I made a quick pit-stop at boots with my madre and did some damage. Basically boots had a special deal on, when you spend 50 pounds you get 12 pounds worth of points which sounded right up my alley so I bought 50 pounds worth of makeup, which I definitely did not need but I thought I would share my purchases with y'all.

(Little Sneaky Group Shot)

Ok, Confession this is actually my third tube of this concealer and I'm sure you all of heard of it, it is the collection (2000) lasting perfection concealer and in my opinion is one of the best drugstore concealers out there at an absolutely bargainous price of £4.19 

Next is actually a bit of daring product for me I have very fair skin so I'm always scared of using bronzer but after my friend Ella torturing me for weeks to buy one I finally did it, I went for a very natural looking one although its appearing a lot darker on camera than it is in reality, so if you want to get a better idea what shade it is you might have to go in to a store to look at it but this was a pricey little product, well for drugstore at least, it was £10 but I suppose it will last me quite awhile. 
( its Lo'real Glam bronze Bronzer btw)

These lipsticks are the Revlon super lustrous lipsticks in cherries in the snow (left) and wild orchid (right) and I have to say, the red one is slowly making its way up to my favourite lipsticks, it applies so smoothly without caking and would be great if your a little scared of reds to start off with they retail at £7.99, I would definitely try to pick one up if I was you.

I actually cant say much for this product as I haven't used it yet, but I am a big fan of the Rimmel Kate Moss lipsticks they are £5.49 and this one is in 111 kiss of life. 

To be honest I don't know why I picked this up because I have dry skin, I think it was just to get the three for two, so it was free anyway, I just panicked at the till and grabbed the first thing I saw but its normally £3.99 if you are curious. 

This wee bad boy has changed my life I normally just used a mac shadow and a brush to fill in my eyebrows but this is aaamazing, I will be doing a full review shortly so keep an eye out for that.

This last product is a sleek blush in life's a peach, I haven't used it yet, but I love sleek blushes my personal favourite at the moment is rose gold its incredible and they are so pigmented for such a good price at £4.49, they are a makeup must have in my opinion

Saturday 1 November 2014

Lush Christmas 2014 Haul


Holly Go Lightly Bubble Bar

Father Christmas Bath Bomb

Northern Lights Bath Bomb

I bought three products when I stopped by lush today firstly I picked up holly go lightly bubble bar, Father Christmas bath bomb and northern lights. I'm not going in to too much detail because reviews are coming soon...