Thursday 18 December 2014

Chit Chat, Sick Before Xmas, Failing at Blogmas | BLOGMAS day 18

I'm sick,
Well right at this very moment I am sitting in bed starting to create a pyramid with my snotty tissues (TMI) sorryy well it's the truth it have pretty much failed with BLOGMAS I think I have only actually made 10 proper BLOGMAS posts you may wonder why I always writes BLOGMAS in caps? Well it's because my phone autocorrects it, so this doesn't mean every time I type it I feel the need to spend ten minutes putting all the letters in caps, I'm sorry this post is just a bit of ramble but on the bright side it's one week too christmas asdfghjkl soooo excited. I'm praying that this illness leaves me before then because I have semi lost my voice and I sound like a squirrel on helium! Which is not very christmasy....

(Little bit random and off topic but everyone loves buddy)

Saturday 13 December 2014

Christmas Wishlist 2014 | BLOGMAS Day 14

I uploaded a christmas wish list video today I would really appreciate if you went and checked it out and I will see you tomorrow for BLOGMAS day 14!

Friday 12 December 2014

Lush Father Christmas Bath Bomb | BLOGMAS Day 13

Ooh thirteen this blogpost might be unlucky, no I'm kidding, I'm not superstitious soo I'm getting sidetracked well today I have more lushness so deepest apologies if you don't like lush and I'm stuck for any ideas for tomoz, any requests? 

(Sorry it's not in focus)

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Holly Go Lighlty Bubble Bar Review and Demo | BLOGMAS Day 10

Well a hearty hello to you 
I can't believe it's the 10th of December how did that happen already I'm about to burst with festive excitement as today I bring you anothe lush review which I am determined to get done by the big day aka Christmas Day but Let's just get into it!

This is actually one of my favourite products from this years line it smells so christmasy it's like all the things to do with Christmas have mushed together to create lush's holly go Lighlty bubble bar. So although this is the most expensive product I have reviewed at £4.95 it's actually the best value for your money because it's  bloomin huge you can get a good four deliciously bubbly baths out of it which is sooo good. Another note is althought it's covered in glitter which I'm not the biggest fan of because trying to get the glitter of the bath and myself can become quite a chore when it comes to glittery products, this one does not transfer on to the skin and you just need to wash down the bath with a bit of water to get the glitter off, no hard scrubbing down of the bath thank goodness, but the colour of the bath is a dark green colour and creates loads of bubbles and the scent lingers for a few hours after the bath which is always a bonus.


Sunday 7 December 2014

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Mac Lipstick Giveaway | BLOGMAS Day 2

1000 Follower Giveaway 

So this is probably the most exciting BLOGMAS Post yet a few days ago I hit 1000 follower which is crazy and to celebrate I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog and you can win a Mac Lipstick in a shade of your chose (Velvet teddy is sold out everywhere If someone wants it)
1. You must follow me bloglovin
2.You must be subscribed to my youtube channel
3.leave a comment below telling me what Lipstick you would like

1.follow me on twitter
2.follow me on Instagram

So you could have at the most 3 entries so just write in your comment how many entries you have and don't lie cause I will check 


(This is just a pic of an example of the lipstick but you get to choose your own shade)