Thursday 18 December 2014

Chit Chat, Sick Before Xmas, Failing at Blogmas | BLOGMAS day 18

I'm sick,
Well right at this very moment I am sitting in bed starting to create a pyramid with my snotty tissues (TMI) sorryy well it's the truth it have pretty much failed with BLOGMAS I think I have only actually made 10 proper BLOGMAS posts you may wonder why I always writes BLOGMAS in caps? Well it's because my phone autocorrects it, so this doesn't mean every time I type it I feel the need to spend ten minutes putting all the letters in caps, I'm sorry this post is just a bit of ramble but on the bright side it's one week too christmas asdfghjkl soooo excited. I'm praying that this illness leaves me before then because I have semi lost my voice and I sound like a squirrel on helium! Which is not very christmasy....

(Little bit random and off topic but everyone loves buddy)


  1. get well soon! x

    Emma |

  2. i'm ill too and have the same tower of tissues lol Hope you get well soon . xox

  3. Awww its to bad you're sick! I hope that you feel better soon. :)
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections

  4. Ah great post!!

    Please let me know if you would be interested in following eachother on GFC and Bloglovin.Would love to stay in contact.

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves
