1. How did you get into lush?
Well me and my mum use to go in all the time when we were in the city centre when I was like 10 and then about 2 year ago I became really obsessed.
2.How often do you go to lush?
Not as often as I would like because are closest one is quite faraway but maybe once or twice a month.
3. What is your all time favorite product?
(out of anything permanent or from a collection)
That's such a hard question I think probably apple white bath bomb at Christmas I just love it so much and it's so unique to other scents in the store.
4. What's your favorite Soap?
My all time fabourite is porridge I think it's amazing I just love the small pieces of oats in It that exfoliate my skin and the creaminess of it lathering on my skin.
5.Whats your favorite Bath Ballistic
I really like Honey bee and Sex Bomb are my go to bath bombs.
6.Whats your favorite Bubble Bar
The Christmas Eve bubble bar is a classic in my opinion but I do love pop in the bath from the Permenant collection
7.Whats your favorite Shower Gel or Jelly
The Olive Branch all the way
8.Whats your favorite Skincare or Haircare Product?
Emm does massage bars count? the catastrophe cosmetic face mask
9. Your go to product in the morning?
Tea tree toner water!
10. A product you regret buying?
The daddy o shampoo I found it was quite drying on the hair.
11. optional; if you could invent your own lush product, what would it be?
A multicoloured glitter and confetti bath bomb that would be awesome.
Yeah, porridge is amazing I recommend it to everyone it's so good.