Saturday, 18 October 2014

Lush Luxury Lush Pud: Review and Demo

This Lavender scented christmas surprise  when launched into the bath it explodes with colour and golden glitter it's like watching a firework display right in the comfort of you own home and that's what I love about it can turn a rather dull old day into a happy and colourful one it's retails luch cosmetics for £3.25 and it's one of my favourite bath bombs ever.

I highly recommend you grab this before but goes because it is limted edition for the holiday season x 


  1. I just bought this bomb the other day, can't wait to try it :)! X

  2. Wow, this looks great! I really need to try more Lush products! x

  3. Oooh this looks lovely, I love the scent of lavender xx

    Laura | lauraslittleloves

  4. How pretty! I love lush bath bombs!
    xprincessjas | ♥
