Saturday, 4 October 2014

A Quick Chit Chat

Hello Ma Loves,

                             Hi Guys todays post is a chatty one about a few different things. I want to make a quick mention about social media i actually hav noe said this before but i do have a twitter and instagram that you can follow me on both of my usernames are just katikinsblog so you should be able to find me  on that and give me a wee follow im still trying to work out how to link them on my blog but i will hopefully get that up soon but for he meantime the links will be a the end of this post.
                            Well the next thing i want to talk about is something i already have made a post on its about youtube. I have wanted to make videos for awhile and a good year ago I did have a channel but someone from my school found out about it and I was embarrassed and deleted them all which I really regret and today I was looking back on my computer hard drive and found all my videos I had done and decided to restart my channel it will be awhile until I start posting videos on it but soon as i do I will let you all know if you want to see them that is.

Youtube -
Twitter -
Instagram -

*don't laugh at my lack of followers I only got them this week and its just for my blog so I don't actual follow anyone I know personally

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